Monday, January 4, 2010

Gastric Bypass Tampa Is Gastric Bypass A Good Idea For An 18yr Old Who Is More Then 200lbs Over Weight?

Is gastric bypass a good idea for an 18yr old who is more then 200lbs over weight? - gastric bypass tampa

I'm 18 and I have more weight. I do not know what do they do, diets do not work for me. Gastric bypass is a good idea for me?


Carol said...

It is something we really need to speak to a specialist. We really try to sound like this is ideal for losing weight, but there are many problems connected with it and will radically change your lifestyle. Moreover, what is not said in their advertising, if not change their eating habits, you can lose weight initially with surgery to recover.

Nobody can answer that question for you. Go talk to a doctor about this, but think carefully before doing so. They say that diets do not work, but do you really think much resistance and very experienced, very much? Probably not. Have you tried training program and with them, probably not. And if you have not yet joined them on a long-term. This is to do what we need to lose weight. It is a daily struggle that is for the rest of his life.

I know how hard it is, I am also overweight and have most of my adult life. I lost weight, only to win again, losing to recover .. And you know why? Because I am not dedicated enough to really lose weight, start (exercising every day, even if only) down the lazy ass and go every day and keep it forever.

Susan Yarrawonga said...

Perhaps you can find useful information in a web search for "natural remedies available against obesity."

Gastric bypass surgery should be the last resort, and his young age can not be anything but exhausted.

Have you tried an Internet search for "gastric bypass" for information and research?

coachP said...

The gastric bypass surgery should be a last result. You need to do two things: 1 reduce their calorie intake to about 2000 calories per day, and 2 begin to do aerobic exercises like walking. Get your heart rate a little at a time, take in fresh energy a little at a time when you walk. They are hungry, but if your body gets used to it, you will not feel so hungry. . Respect I had a friend who weighed over 350 pounds. She stopped eating junk and snacks between meals, fewer calories and take, and walked the whole day and 100 pounds lost. He started walking 20 minutes. per day. He was exhausted. Increase the length of his walks. Now, walk 90 minutes. Day, and many hills. Walk 6 miles in 90 minutes. It is min a 16th Mile. When I go with him, I have trouble to follow, and I'm in good shape. Good luck. I hope you are doing.

coachP said...

The gastric bypass surgery should be a last result. You need to do two things: 1 reduce their calorie intake to about 2000 calories per day, and 2 begin to do aerobic exercises like walking. Get your heart rate a little at a time, take in fresh energy a little at a time when you walk. They are hungry, but if your body gets used to it, you will not feel so hungry. . Respect I had a friend who weighed over 350 pounds. She stopped eating junk and snacks between meals, fewer calories and take, and walked the whole day and 100 pounds lost. He started walking 20 minutes. per day. He was exhausted. Increase the length of his walks. Now, walk 90 minutes. Day, and many hills. Walk 6 miles in 90 minutes. It is min a 16th Mile. When I go with him, I have trouble to follow, and I'm in good shape. Good luck. I hope you are doing.

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