Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Camera Cases For Cannon Great Little Camera Case! Why Do People Often Recommend The Canon Powershots When There Are So Many Better Choices?

Why do people often recommend the Canon Powershots when there are so many better choices? - camera cases for cannon great little camera case!

There are several popular cameras in the range of less than $ 400 or less $ 200, with a view to taking better photos, better and easier to use than the Canon PowerShot series. But people follow the recommendation of this fragile, difficult to use, easy to break the camera is really poor. There are some other cameras that are much better for much less cost and do not break, because they have sensitive keys out of the box. In addition, blurring the optical gun, when all the others, but the worst cameras in comparison to a certain price, because the weapons are not more than 5 F-stops. Each treatment or mega-pixel in the world a better picture, better optics, without stopping to stop providing more Q. Higher Q is almost always better optics that results in a better depth of more sharper picture. What's wrong with these people? Why did they do with these allegations Cheezy? Marketing? Ignorance? Fashion?


Picture Taker said...

"F higher arrest almost always means better optics that results in a better sharper picture with more depth."

There is no basis in reality, the general statement. And there is no basis in reality itself that Canon PowerShot f-stop more than 5 Show your own ignorance to make such statements.

If you have a chart that the opening f/2.8-f/4.9, that does not mean that the smallest aperture of f / is 4.9. It opens up the ends of the focal length. In fact, if I can generalize, we say that the higher the number - two of them - the best of the lens.

I looked through some random pictures from my SD900 and I decided that the opening of f/2.8 at wide end is af/8.0 (7.7 mm) and f/4.9 in telephoto af / 14.0 (23.1 mm) . The reason we do not see openings in the vicinity of f/22, because the diameter of the lens is so low in the first place. Inherit the problem developed, and all compact cameras, such as the size of the lens is relativelysmall.

Please refer to the second table on this page: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/stats.as ... The fact that 35% of all people who said for information about the cameras on a thorough review of the sites on the Internet: Questions Canon, it is much more than marketing hype.

Click the pencil icon in your question and select "Add details" to tell us what brand would you recommend that have optical, better pictures and are easier to use. I'm dying to know.


It was not seen 3 days and the accessories ... Seriously, I love it when you answer my questions.

br2931 said...

You are crazy ..
PPL or just want the same brand or model .. own it
i dont care .. Similarly, PPL
We always recommend Sony
have many options ..
Go for Sony ..

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